A trailer can be a fantastic resource for personal and professional projects. If you aren’t sure what trailer best suits your needs, read on! Below, we cover some tips for navigating the wide variety of options available.

When you are ready to explore trailers for sale, head over to B&D RV Center. We are located in Vernal, Utah.

What Are You Hauling?

First of all, it’s helpful to determine what exactly it is you plan to haul so you can choose a cargo trailer that will carry it all. 

If you’re often hauling powersports vehicles, bicycles, lawn and landscaping equipment or construction tools, these rugged items could easily fit on an open bed trailer and won’t need much shelter from the weather since they’re made to handle anything. Bigger open trailers are great if you frequently transport cars and boats.

Have some precious cargo you don’t want stolen? Or some animals that need protection? Enclosed cargo trailers are ideal. Some are specifically designed with stalls to securely contain animals like horses and cattle, with extra room to store tack and feed. Other models have precise temperature controls to adjust for very sensitive items that may need a controlled environment, like musical instruments or vintage furnishings.

If you transport heavy payloads of gravel, sand, dirt and debris, then you may benefit from a dump trailer that can handle these loads easily, with the ability to disperse the material exactly where you need it to be. Figuring out exactly how you’ll use your cargo trailer will help you decide whether it should be closed or open and how big it needs to be.

Pick the Right Size

When selecting the right size of trailer for your endeavors, you’ll want to think about the weight handling capacity of your towing vehicle. As you may know, exceeding the maximum weight limit is illegal and risky, too.

Getting too small of a trailer, on the other hand, can lead to making multiple trips in order to get everything transported.

Try to find that perfect balance of space to suit your towing setup and your cargo hauling needs.

B&D RV Center carries a variety of trailers for sale at our Vernal, Utah, location. We also proudly serve those in Salt Lake City, Utha, Grand Junction, Colorado, and Rock Springs, Wyoming.